One of my favorite chores is to give our farm animals treats. Much to my surprise, rams love apples! Desperado, one of my favorite rams is pictured munching on one.
Today when greeting my handsome herd, I noticed a variety of nicks and open sores on their heads. Oh, no! They have been 'ramming each other I concluded. Having just taken a course on treating headaches using MFR, I began to wonder if any of them had a headache?

Gratefully, humans do not resort to head ramming as a way to work out power issues, like our rams. Their skulls are a marvel, at dissipating forces through their horns and skeletal system. The human skull is more fragile. It is made up of bones which fit together snuggly to form joints. The joints are called sutures. Like the other joints in our body, ideally the sutures of the skull have a certain level of give or plasticity. At MFR Works, if a client comes in complaining of a headache, we treat the bones of the skull for starters. Those bones not only protect the brain, they also influence its function. Thanks to embracing the tenets of Cranial Sacral therapy, treating headaches with myofascial release feels wondrous! My only regret is that I can not invite Desparado and his handsome buddies onto the table to find out!