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Julia Snyder, head therapist at MFR Works shaking hands with a new client.


As your myofascial release therapist,  I pledge my commitment to offering you the best care I can, to working  together toward positive treatment outcomes, and to adhering to the highest principles of the profession including:  

1. Commitment to High-Quality Care:  

I will serve the best interest of my clients at all times and provide the highest quality of service possible.  I recognize that the obligation for building and maintaining an effective, healthy and safe therapeutic relationship with my clients is my responsibility.  


2. Commitment to Do No Harm:  

I will conduct a through health history intake process for each client to rule out contraindications or determine appropriate session adaptations.  If I see signs of, or suspect an undiagnosed condition that MFR may be inappropriate for, I will refer that client to a physical or other qualified health-care professional and delay the session until approval from the physician has been granted.  I understand the importance of ethical touch and therapeutic intent and will conduct sessions with the sole objective of benefitting the client.  


3. Commitment to Honest Representation of Qualifications

I will not work outside the commonly accepted scope of practice for myofascial release professionals.  I will only provide treatments and techniques for which I am fully trained and hold credible credentials.  I will carefully evaluate the needs of each client and refer the client to another  provider if the client requires work beyond my capabilities or beyond the capacity of myofascial release.   


 4. Commitment to Uphold Inherent Worth in All

I will demonstrate compassion, respect and tolerance for others.  I understand there are situations when it is appropriate to decline service to a client because it is in the best interest of a client’s health, or for my personal safety, but I will not refuse service to any client based on disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, physical build, or sexual orientation, religious, national or political affiliation: or social or economic status.  


5. Commitment to Respect Client Dignity & Rights  

I will demonstrate my respect for dignity and rights of all individuals by providing a clean, comfortable, and safe environment for sessions, using appropriate and skilled draping procedures, giving clients recourse in the event of dissatisfaction with treatment, and upholding the integrity of the therapeutic relationship.


6. Commitment to Informed Consent

I will recognize a client’s right to determine what happens to their body.  I  will fully inform my clients of choices relating to their care.  I will not provide treatment without obtaining a client’s informed consent (or that of the guardian or advocate for the client).


7. Commitment to Confidentiality

I will keep client communication and information confidential and will not share client information without the client’s written consent, within the limits of the law. 


8. Commitment to Personal and Professional Boundaries: 

In the work I do, I utilize the feminine energy of the “mother.”  The trust that is necessary to allow clients to be themselves and feel safe to let go comes from this aspect of who I am. Trust is also necessary for me. I need to know the client understands this.   I am a facilitator, a temporary chaperone along their journey. From that place there is no room for behaviors that may be considered sexual.  I will uphold the highest professional standards in order to desexualize the session. I will not date a client, or engage in sexual intercourse with a client, or allow any level of sexual impropriety.  


9. Commitment to Professionalism

I will maintain clear and honest communication with clients and colleagues.  I will positively promote the MFR profession by committing to self-development and continually building my professional skills. 


10.  Commitment to Modesty:   

If at any time, for any reason you feel uncomfortable during our session,  please stop the session. Let me know.  We can remedy the situation.   

Please note that I will NOT:  

  • Make any contact with your genital region.

  • Make contact with the breast without explicit prior consent

  • Make sexual comments or jokes.

  • Make inappropriate comments about your body. 

  • Require you to be nude.

  • Use poor or loose draping. Or leave you exposed. 

  • Work on upper-thigh without explicit prior permission.



Logo of MFR Works in new colors


Myofascial Release Works!

     -Therapeutic Bodywork 

Julia Snyder DSS, MA, LMT



Yakima,  W

the sunshine capital!



Monday:   11:00am-7:00pm

Wednesday: 11:00am-7:00pm

Friday:  11:00am- 7:00pm 




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